
A blog for everything bookish

Sunday 21 September 2014

Reading Virginia Woolf

I have dabbled with this idea for a while, and I've finally made a commitment. I'm going to read everything by Virginia Woolf. I love Virginia Woolf. She was an amazing person, an innovator. Her writing is not easy, but it is worthwhile. I have tinkered around the edges of Woolf for a while, but it's time to make that commitment. I will read all her works in chronological order. That's not because I lack imagination, but because I would like to see how she evolves as a writer. 

I am starting with The Voyage Out. Works I've read before I'll re-read. Watch this space for more.

Do I feel some trepidation? Certainly. I am committing to a reading plan which will take me, at least, to the end of the year to complete. It is almost inconceivable that I won't be distracted by some new, shiny thing in that time. I am easily distracted. Wish me luck, and great reading. I'll share my thoughts on her books, on Woolf as a person, as I go along. 

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